What should you know when you rent an apartment in Doha
In Doha are working over millions expats and the number is growing. Actually, due to this peculiarity – that the number of foreigners is larger than locals – the real estate companies in Qatar have the main public and clientele formed out from rather from people moving in to Qatar and less from Qatari population.
This one of the reasons why people look to rent an apartment in Doha, rather than buy a house. In this article we are to explain what to look for or the type of properties to choose dependent on your family status. We also, speak about the best properties for rent where to live as an expat.
Apartments for rent in Doha- Qatar – Living in Style
Living in Doha seems and is such an exquisite experience. Qatar is one of the richest states from Arabian world and also, one of the safest countries to live in. Besides, the salary level is one of the highest within the Islamic world and conditions of lifestyle overcome even those in Europe or even in US.
Living in Doha seems and is such an exquisite experience. Qatar is one of the richest states from Arabian world and also, one of the safest countries to live in. Besides, the salary level is one of the highest within the Islamic world and conditions of lifestyle overcome even those in Europe or even in US.
The apartments for rent in Doha keep up these premises of well-being and luxury, for both locals or expats. News residential areas are built to welcome foreigners. The urban style is designed as an amalgamation of traditional – Arabian and ultra- modern architecture.
Two different rental worlds in Doha: luxury apartments for rent vs rooms for rent
There are two different segments of flat rentals in Doha. On one end are luxury real estate, endowed with state of art amenities, apartments and houses that are incredibly refined and stunningly furnished. One the other end, the real estate market provide rooms for rent, planned for either bachelors or family living.
If the first category may be considered as apartments for rent for middle and top manager, most of them expats that are to live and work in Doha or long term, on the opposite, the rooms for rent are meant also for foreigners working in Qatar on various tourism, commercial or similar entry level jobs.
Obviously, the comfort difference reflects in price. If a magnificent 4 bedroom apartment for rent in Doha, West Bay reaches a price of 22000 QAR/ month, a family for rent in Doha costs 1500-4000 QAR month.
Studio Apartment for Rent in Doha – An Option for Batchelors
The studio apartments for rent in Doha are some of the most required properties and the main tenants are single or bachelors working in large companies of Qatar. That is the specificity of studio apartments rentals in Doha is especially size, finishing and amenities. These studios are large, with surfaces over 75 sq.m, unlike flats around many areas on the globe. That is mainly due to Qatari appeal for luxury and excellence in providing comfortable living. Design reunites purposes, daily activities and sleeping, without affecting coziness.
Most of the studios for rent are situated in free holds of Doha – like West Bay, The Majestic the Pearl and its incredible neighborhoods, as Porto Arabia and Viva Bahryia. The residential building and entire neighborhood is planned for to insure all the possible comfort such as pools, gyms, nursery, shopping areas etc.
3 to 5 Bedroom Apartment in Doha in family friendly residencies
If you are to live in Qatar as a family, there is a large palette of 3 to 5 bedroom apartments for rent in Doha insuring large surfaces for living, a sufficient number of bathrooms or even maid room.
The residencies are provided with gymnasiums or nurseries to respond to the tenants need to have in proximity educational edifices for children.
Furnished or unfurnished apartments for rent in Doha?
When you take the decision whether to choose a furnished or an unfurnished apartment for rent in Doha, first off all you should analyze the period you are planning to stay in Qatar.
In case you are in Qatar for 1-3 years or you have an uncertainty about you staying period, a fully furnished apartment is to be your rental option. Unfurnished apartments are rented when the tenant is staying longer or has preferences regarding furniture style.
When you plan to live longer than 5 years you should start analyzing the opportunity in buying a house in Qatar. We detailed the aspects in our previous article.
Best areas where you should rent a flat in Doha if you are an expat
As we previously said, Doha is a safe environment and very friendly with foreigners. There is an impressive large neighborhoods of free hold residencies that welcome expat community, the main areas being situated in West Bay, The Pear or Lusail City.